A&H Academic Personnel

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Your departmental Academic Personnel analyst or Department Manager, as well as the Department Chair, is your resource for information about these and any other AP topics.

UCOP Academic Personnel Manual 

Academic Personnel policies are governed by the system-wide Academic Personnel Manual and it can be found here: https://www.ucop.edu/academic-personnel-programs/academic-personnel-poli...

The Berkeley Manual for Academic Personnel

The Berkeley Manual for Academic Personnel describes Berkeley’s own policies, processes, and practices concerning ladder-rank faculty. BMAP is intended to serve new faculty who would like a broad understanding of Berkeley's faculty review system, department chairs who seek answers to specific questions about how to carry out a particular kind of review, and staff who want to offer good advice and support to faculty, chairs, and deans: https://bmap.berkeley.edu/

L&S Academic Personnel Policies

Information and resources specific to L&S personnel policies, including personnel review deadline calendars, guidance on case preparation, and guidelines on evaluating creative accomplishments in the Arts & Humanities are available here: https://ls.berkeley.edu/faculty-and-staff/academic-personnel-resources

Leaves and Workload Modifications for Senate Faculty

Information about Leaves and Workload Modifications for Senate Faculty are available here. 

Faculty Equity and Welfare

The Office of Faculty Equity and Welfare oversees and supports all faculty recruitment. Information about policies and procedures involving recruiting new faculty are at: https://ofew.berkeley.edu/academic-recruitment

Pathway to Retirement

Faculty considering retirement may benefit from a Pathway to Retirement Agreement: Pathway to Retirement Agreements | Office for Faculty Equity & Welfare