The Division of Arts and Humanities has launched a new program called Advancing Faculty Diversity (AFD) to strengthen and support departmental efforts in recruiting and retaining scholars working in underrepresented fields of study. We are thrilled to be able to fund a cohort of at least ten fellows over the course of the 2023-24 and 2024-25 academic years as part of the mentorship and career development programs. Eligible applicants are new faculty in the arts and humanities, working in underrepresented fields, who entered their positions at UC Berkeley after July 1st, 2023.
The application deadline for the 2023-24 is December 4, 2023, with decisions by December 15.

The AFDAH New Faculty Fellows program offers up to $25,000 to each fellow for research and/or career development. Research and career development needs might include, but are not limited to expenses such as book subvention, funding to hire a GSI/GSR, event needs, studio supplies, and more. Each fellow will spend their provided funds within the two years of the grant period.
View a sample budget for examples of what you might ask for as part of this fellowship application, here.

The fellowship also provides one-on-one mentorship support with a faculty mentor dedicated to building a culture of effective mentorship for new faculty working in underrepresented fields. The mentorship program includes guidance with career milestones, networking, navigating academic climate issues, interdisciplinary collaboration, and curriculum development. Through occasional workshops and panels over the course of the grant’s two years, mentors and fellows will together create and share common resources resulting in a mentorship toolkit, which will serve as a primary resource for mentorship for scholars working in underrepresented fields in A&H going forward.

Eligible applicants are new faculty in the arts and humanities, working in underrepresented fields, who entered their positions at UC Berkeley after July 1st, 2023.
If you have questions, please contact maria faini ( sends e-mail)).

The application deadline for 2023-24 is December 4, 2023, with decisions by December 15. We anticipate selected at least ten fellows over the course of the 2023-24 and 2024-25 academic years. We anticipate holding our initial meeting with our new fellows and their mentors in early February, 2024.
The application is short. It requests a 200 word max description and a narrative budget.