The Division of the Arts & Humanities announces that Eric Falci will chair the English department, as of July 1, 2022. Falci is a professor in the English department and specializes in Irish and 20th and 21st century British poetry. He will serve as chair following outgoing interim chair and professor Ian Duncan.
His book on contemporary Irish poetry, Continuity and Change in Irish Poetry, 1966-2010, appeared in 2012 (Cambridge University Press). A second book, The Cambridge Introduction to British Poetry, 1945-2010, was published in late 2015. He has recently completed The Value of Poetry, to be published in late 2020. He's currently working on "Poetry and the Problem of Music" (or "Poetry's Musics"), a book about the conjunctions and disjunctions between poetry and music in 19th- and 20th-century British, Irish, and American literature.