Rokshana Bushra: Documenting Women's Narratives in Rural Bangladesh

October 10, 2023

To celebrate National Humanities Month (October), we're featuring all types of humanities research from undergraduates, graduates and faculty at UC Berkeley. 

Rokshana Bushra is a 3rd year undergraduate student studying Cognitive and Data Science who received a Summer Research Grant from the Center for Interdisciplinary Critical Inquiry within the Division of Arts & Humanities as part of the Mellon Foundation New Strategies for the Humanities grant. Funded projects included interdisciplinary, interdivisional and/or collaborative projects focusing on urgent contemporary issues such as authoritarianism, climate change, religion and democracy, borders and migration, race, gender and sexuality.

Bushra's project, Documenting Women's Narratives in Rural Bangladesh, was selected as one of the top five projects presented as part of the final presentations this year. 

Rokshana Bushra: Documenting Women's Narratives in Rural Bangladesh