Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship at Wesleyan University(link is external)
Applicants are invited to apply for a postdoctoral fellowship, made possible through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to Wesleyan University. The purpose of the fellowship is to provide scholars who have recently completed their Ph.D.’s with free time to further their own work in a cross-disciplinary setting, and to associate with a distinguished faculty.
Carolina Postdoctoral Program for Faculty Diversity(link is external)
The Carolina Postdoctoral Program for Faculty Diversity is a two-year postdoctoral research appointment. The purpose of the program is to develop scholars from underrepresented groups for possible tenure track appointments at the University of North Carolina. Postdoctoral scholars will be engaged full-time in research and may teach only one course per fiscal year.
Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellowship(link is external)
The Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Academic Diversity provides postdoctoral fellowships, research opportunities, and mentoring and guidance in preparation for academic career advancement. The goal of the program is to help develop young scholars committed to careers in university research and teaching, and dedicated to fostering an inclusive academic environment. The program currently solicits applications from individuals committed to careers in university research and teaching and whose life experience, research or employment background will contribute significantly to academic diversity and excellence at Berkeley.
Dartmouth College Leslie Center for the Humanities Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship(link is external)
With the generous support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Dartmouth is pleased to accept applications for two postdoctoral fellowships in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. These fellowships foster the academic careers of scholars who have recently received their Ph.D. degrees, by permitting them to pursue their research while gaining mentored experience as teachers and members of the departments and/or programs in which they are housed. The program also benefits Dartmouth by complementing existing curricula with underrepresented fields. Applicants must focus on materials customarily associated with research in the humanities or employ methods common in humanistic research.
DePauw University Consortium for Faculty Diversity in Liberal Arts Colleges(link is external)
The consortium invites applications for dissertation fellowships and post-doctoral fellowships from U.S. citizens or permanent residents who will contribute to increasing the diversity of member colleges by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, maximizing the educational benefits of diversity and/or increasing the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of students.
Haverford College John B. Hurford ’60 Humanities Center Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships(link is external)
The John B. Hurford '60 Humanities Center of Haverford College invites applications for a two-year Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Humanities. Haverford's program for Mellon Post-Doctoral fellows is organized to provide five key instruments of professional advancement: meaningful teaching, collaborative intellectual exploration, interaction with the broader world of scholarship and public life, mentoring, and the time and resources for scholarly endeavor.
Penn Humanities Forum Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship(link is external)
The Penn Humanities Forum awards five one-year Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships each academic year to junior scholars in the humanities who are not yet tenured. Applicants must be no more than eight years out of their doctorate.
Princeton University Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts(link is external)
The Princeton Society of Fellows, an interdisciplinary group of scholars in the humanities, social sciences, and selected natural sciences, invites applications. Three, three-year postdoctoral fellowships will be awarded. Fellows are expected to reside in or near Princeton during the academic year in order that they may participate fully in the intellectual life of the society.
Smithsonian Postgraduate Fellowships in Conservation of Museum Collections(link is external)
This fellowships program is offered by the Smithsonian Institution to provide opportunities for recent graduates of master's programs in art and archaeological conservation or the equivalent, or conservation scientists, including those at the postdoctoral level, who wish to conduct research and gain further training in Smithsonian conservation laboratories for conservation of objects in museum collections for a period of one year. Additional facilities may be available to museum or archives fellows for analytical work at the Museum Conservation Institute (MCI).
Stanford University Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship of Scholars in the Humanities(link is external)
Stanford University Center for East Asian Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship in Chinese Studies(link is external)
The Center for East Asian Studies at Stanford University offers two postdoctoral fellowships in Chinese Studies. These awards are open to scholars in the humanities and social sciences studying any historical period. Applicants must have been awarded their Ph.D. no later than August 31 the year in which the fellowship begins, and may not be more than five years beyond receipt of the doctoral degree.
Stanford University Dissertation Grants in Japanese Studies(link is external)
The Japan Fund announces the availability of limited funds to support research-related activities for advanced-level graduate students specializing in Japanese studies. The program is intended to fill in the gaps between the availability of university and external funding for graduate dissertation work. As a result, awards will be made on a competitive basis to students who are conducting dissertation field research, or writing up the results of dissertation research.
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History(link is external)
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History invites applications for short-term fellowships in several categories: research fellowships for post-doctoral scholars at every faculty rank, dissertation fellowships for doctoral candidates who have completed exams and begun dissertation reading and writing, and research fellowships for journalists and independent scholars. The Gilder Lehrman Fellowships support work in one of five archives, including The Gilder Lehrman Collection at the New York Historical Society, The Library of the New York Historical Society, The Columbia University Rare Book and Manuscript Library, The New York Public Library Humanities and Social Sciences Library, and The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture (NYPL).
Transatlantic Post-Doctoral Fellowship for International Relations and Security(link is external)
UC Berkeley Postdoctoral Mellon Fellowships in the Digital Humanities(link is external)
University of California President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship(link is external)
The University of California President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program was established in 1984 to encourage outstanding women and minority Ph.D. recipients to pursue academic careers at the University of California. The University of California awards approximately 15 to 20 postdoctoral fellowships annually in all fields, for research conducted under faculty sponsorship on any one of the University of California's ten campuses.
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Postdoc Program for Faculty Diversity(link is external)
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Postdoctoral Program for Faculty Diversity is a two-year postdoctoral research appointment for a period of two years. The purpose of the Program is to develop scholars from underrepresented groups for possible tenure track appointments at the UNC-Chapel Hill. Postdoctoral scholars will be engaged full-time in research and may teach only one course per fiscal year.
NEH Research Fellowships(link is external)
The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies annually awards NEH Research Fellowships of five-week or ten-week duration to scholars who can make use of the rich and varied resources available at Saint Louis University. Topics proposed for research may include any medieval or early modern subject in areas such as history, philosophy, theology, science, literature, paleography, codicology, illumination, text editing, scriptural and patristic studies, Roman and canon law, etc.