Divisional Priorities
Arts & Humanities
The division aims to uplift the arts and humanities at Berkeley and in the world. We are shaping a new narrative through rich stories that center our students, bring visibility to our stellar faculty and their cutting-edge research, and showcase the complexity of work that happens in our classrooms. We believe the arts and humanities are foundational to L&S, the university, and society at large.

Create new opportunities and engagement through expanded resources.

Inclusive Excellence
Uplift and support the breadth of perspectives across the arts and humanities.

Ensure long-term stability for the division, its students, staff, and faculty.

Strategic Plan Overview
We are working on a range of projects that will have a transformational effect on the Division of Arts and Humanities at Berkeley. The core principles of our mission are access, inclusive excellence, and sustainability. These principles are reflected in the strategic plan below as well as in the 2022—2023 impact report linked below.

Fostering Undergraduate Student Success and Enrollment
The Division of Arts and Humanities prepares students to flourish in a rapidly changing world. We want every student who wants to study the arts and humanities at Berkeley to feel like they can. That means providingaccessto classes they want to take, a diverse and complex curriculum, financial support, mentorship, and opportunities to engage with worlds beyond their own. Students at Berkeley should also have access to tools and narratives that support and encourage their academic and career aspirations.
Increasing Access and Sustainable Programs
Provide resources to support enrollment increases and meet student demand, including advising and communications strategies
Celebrate and support the diversity of our student population
Create opportunities for learning inside and outside the classroom (e.g. study abroad, career development, research, mentorship)
Advocate for funding to ensure that our programs and students continue to thrive
Develop pathways into A&H majors and programs for transfer students and non-majors
Inclusive Excellence and Student Belonging
Amplify student voices as ambassadors for the Arts and Humanities (e.g. Dean’s Leadership Team)
Center A&H in our world’s most pressing questions, including climate change and AI
Support student belonging through courses like Berkeley Connect and Transfer Foundations
Confront stereotypes about arts and humanities degrees
Ensure that our students remain the happiest undergraduates on campus!
Key priorities in 2023-24 include our communications campaign “A New Story for the Arts & Humanities.”
A Commitment to World-Class Research and Teaching
We share a cross-departmental commitment to teaching and learning that cuts across historical and geographic borders, and we have a singular commitment to broad multilingualism. With this in mind, we prioritize diversity and inclusion at every level of our recruitment and retention efforts. We consistently attract and recruit the very best graduate students and faculty, and we provide the necessary resources to retain them. We center mentorship and community, bring visibility to the essential work that they do, and provide the conditions necessary for their research to flourish.
Promoting Access and Pathways for Advancement
Recruit and retain top faculty in the arts and humanities
Appoint inclusive leadership throughout the division
Increase graduate admission pathways and support graduate students and programs
Focus on strategies to promote career advancement
Sustaining and Expanding Our Research Excellence
Maintain and grow excellence in traditional strengths and in at-risk areas of study
Bolster interdisciplinary centers (CICI, Townsend, ARC, Magnes) and initiatives (Environmental Humanities, Public Humanities)
Build a global humanities (Indigenous Arts and Knowledges; African Humanities)
Expand the reach and impact of our international partnerships
Support innovative research across the humanities
Key priorities in 2023-24 include implementing the recommendations of our Task Force on Languages, Language-Based Disciplines, and Global Citizenship and the Working Group for Research, Promotion, and Career Advancement.
Increased Visibility and Investment in the Arts at Berkeley
Our faculty and students lead the way in the creative arts and arts research, and they study its theory, history, and practice, ranging from performance and theater to film, music, literature, poetry, and the visual arts. The arts at Berkeley have a storied past including Nobel laureates and Guggenheim fellows, and our departments are seeing new successes and sustained growth. We intend to invest in this bright future through additional resources and by bringing visibility and awareness to the richness and breadth of artistic disciplines within the division.
Increasing Access and Visibility of the Arts
Support departments to meet student demand (our arts majors are among the fastest-growing majors on campus)
Increase arts access and engagement opportunities for non-majors
Bring visibility to our internationally renowned faculty in creative disciplines
Leverage the arts spaces and collections in the division to offer public programming
Sustaining the Breadth of Excellence in the Arts
Be attentive to the unique facilities and material needs of the arts
Celebrate the unique legacy of intertwined theory and practice of the arts at Berkeley
Grow faculty strength and expand areas of practice
Key priorities for 2023-24 include celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Department of Art Practice and renovating spaces for the arts
Ensuring A Financially Stable and Effective Division
The administrative staff in the Division of Arts and Humanities work tirelessly to support and further the mission and goals of the division. Together, we are focused on supporting faculty and staff by easing administrative and bureaucratic burdens, advocating for funding and other resources, and prioritizing internal communications. As we continue to grow, a solid and collaborative administrative structure will be vital to the sustainability and success of our division, its faculty, students, and staff.
Building a Sustainable Division and Improving Operational Excellence
Develop sustainable funding models and budget support for departments
Expand fundraising in support of divisional and departmental goals
Ease bureaucratic burden for departments and streamline administrative processes
Supporting Staff Access and Pathways to Success
Facilitate and improve internal communications between campus, dean’s office, and departments
Assess staffing levels across departments and focus on the retention and recruitment of excellent staff
Create pipelines for staff advancement and provide training resources and opportunities
Celebrate and recognize staff through awards and staff appreciation initiatives
Key priorities for 2023-24 include expanding fundraising efforts and supporting departments with cost-of-living adjustments
Building a Legacy of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Justice
We are the most diverse large division on campus, and we are proud that half of our majors are students who transferred in from community colleges. We continuously strive to make the Division of Arts and Humanities more accessible; we offer extensive fellowships and programs for underrepresented students and faculty at all career stages. Our leadership represents an inclusive humanities that is thoroughly global and represents our commitment to the inclusion of multiple forms of knowledge. In turn, our curriculum aims to amplify the humanities as a voice and tool for social justice and change.
Improving Pathways and Access
Uplift the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, which supports students by providing mentorship and the environment and resources to strive for their highest academic goals
Use the President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program as a key recruitment tool
Maintain and grow fellowships and co-curricular programs for underrepresented students
Uphold Berkeley’s legacy of disability justice across the curriculum and in students’ daily experience of campus
Sustaining Inclusive Excellence in Faculty and Students
Rebuild graduate community across the division
Appoint and foster inclusive faculty leadership
Create community for the sizeable number of URM students at A&H
Build towards campus’ HSI goals and support African American, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Latinx, and Native American Thriving Initiatives
Leverage donor and state FTE as a resource for faculty change
Key priorities for 2023-24 include launching our Arts & Humanities Advancing Faculty Diversity Grant and implementing accessibility best practices across the division’s units